Akal Academy, Bhadaur hosts an Inter-School Competition!
Sant Attar Singh Ji’s main branch Baru Sahib’s division of Akal Academy, located at village Bhadaur recently organized an inter-school competition in which around 77 students from 11 different schools participated.
The event observed Painting, Hand-Writing, Essay-Composition & Speech Competitions. During the competition, amongst the Special Guests – Akal University, ‘Guru Kanshi’ Damdama Sahib’s Zonal Director Principal Tejinderjeet Singh, Madam Lamba and Intercom University’s Professor Praveen were present.
After the competitions, Principal Tejinderjeet Singh motivated the children to study with a great intent whilst addressing the students; he also said that the students who receive low marks should not feel low or lose hope, but, should instead work with more determination to secure better marks next time. On the occasion, Professor Praveen provided vital information about Baru Sahib to students & their parents during his speech.
Winning participants from the competitions were presented with certificates and the teachers alongside others attendees accompanying the participants were also honored. Academy’s Principal Madam Gurdeep Kaur gave special thanks to the visiting Special Guests, Accompanying teachers & other attendees of the event.
~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 11th Feb ’14