Akal Academies, as a critical part of their ‘Rural Transformation’ mission, pay a prioritized attentiontowards identifying special admission cases for under-Privileged / Rural children, who have critical need for financial assistance; this is done in parallel with our education awareness drives, with help of local volunteers,covering nook & corner in vicinity (as much as 40kms) of each of its 129 Akal Academies covering around 6450 villages.
The team actively identifies & creates a list of all such cases requiring Free or Sponsored Education during itsAwareness Drive. All Academies admit 10 students from the rural poor so that ‘out of school’ children are brought into the mainstream. In 2013, around 1300 students across all operational Akal Academies, benefitted through Free/Sponsored Education Projects of the Trust. And the Trust commits itself to support these children for 14 years ie. upto Class-XII.
The Trust is striving to support several such children to the best possible extent of its capacity, yet our contribution alone remains confined to serving only a small fraction as the expanse of poverty is large in these regions.
For the aforementioned purpose, The Kalgidhar Trust, alongside its Education Awareness Campaigns in the villages, has additionally paired a unique ‘DeedADay’ child sponsorship Project as an initiative to significantly increase sponsored education enrollments.
An authentication team checks for validation of the identified cases through necessary Govt. documentation& family/house site surveys before the candidatesare enlisted for seeking sponsorship.
‘DeedaDay’, a strategically designed ancillary project from the organization, aims to draw education sponsorship support for children of impoverished & under-privileged families, who are deprived of education by offering a unique online platform website DeedaDay.in, where volunteers & sponsors from any part of the world can directly select to help & connect to Rural / under privileged children in India who are seeking education sponsorship by simply selecting a child from a real-time roster of kids awaiting sponsorships.
The roster is publicly visible to anyone just on the home page of the website, it further provides all relevant information about the child like family background, age, current academic status alongside amount required for sponsorship etc; so as to assist the sponsor make his selection. Once sponsored, the child’s annual report alongside performance mark-sheet is also made visible to the sponsor regularly, plus the sponsor gets a chance to visit the child at the village anytime he wishes.
The KalgidharTrust, Baru Sahib serves all children, regardless of religion, race, creed, ethnicity, or gender with a special focus on promoting education for girl child.All sponsored children are provided holistic schooling with Value-Based education at the Schools run by the charitable organization The Kalgidhar Trust / Society, having modern infrastructure & facilities like e-classrooms, R.O drinking water, and internet enabled computer labs, library etc& other modern facilities at par with any top private schools in cities.
~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 25th Nov ’13