To firm up the beneficiary's commitment, some minimal amount of Fee, which varies from parent to parent depending on their economic background, is taken from the student's Parents/Guardians so that they realize the value of education and feel some responsibility towards the child. Very poor families are exempt from such contributions.
Marginalized Residential Kids (MRK) are the needy kids, staying and studying at 'Akal Academy Boarding School, Himachal Pradesh, India' with totally or partially exempted fees for Residential Education.
User understands and agrees that the donation amount is taken from sponsors for the education of needy rural kids is not the exact fees but the average of all the sponsored student's fees which includes Tuition fee, Uniform, and Books.
The total amount includes student fee components and administration fees.
In case, any excess donation received from sponsors will be utilized for the welfare of the students and schools.
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The materials and information on the website of Educate to Save are provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied including without limitation.
Any warranty for information, services or products provided through or in connection with the website and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, an expectation of privacy or non-infringement. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply in such cases.