Rural Students’ outstanding performance in CBSE 10th Results
Akal Academies impart Value-based Education and learning that works and make the students not only successful but also happy and satisfied in their lives.
Teachers of the academies place special emphasis on the studies of their students. The teachers are extremely cooperative and hardworking.
Students of Akal Academy Baragura, Sirsa, Haryana performed excellently in CBSE 10th Results.
Harleen Kaur secured 96.0%, Harashnoor Singh Secured 94%, Lakshya Mehta secured 93.6%, Rashandeep Kaur 93.2%, Harshdeep Singh secured 93.0%, Harmeen Kaur secured 91.4%, Khushpreet Kaur 91.2%, Navjot Sidhu 91%, Ram Singh 91%, Ramneek Kaur 89.2%.
We are proud of our Achievers.
Our sincere congratulations go out to them and their families on their accomplishments