Very good news.
Big congratulations to Abhiraj Beta.
Love Kuldeep
Dr. Kuldeep Mullhi
Dear Veer Ji Bhen JI
Thank you for providing this update. I am very pleased that Waheguru has allowed me this service. I am very pleased and proud of Miss Reena, please pass on my congratulations to her and her family.
Kind Regards
Trishna Singh Edinburgh UK
Thanks for dedications and for your noble service to Humanity.
I look forward for Preeti's progress and lots of Baba Ji blessings to her.
With Appreciations,
Narinder Singh Sawhney
S. Narinder Singh Sawhney
Thank you very much Baccho !!
My God Bless you. So happy to hear from you.
May the seeds that EducatePunjab has sown, become big trees and give shade and comfort to future generations to come.
S. Chirinjeev Singh
Dear Nigam Sharma,
Continue with the good work you are doing and make your teachers and parents proud.
It is never difficult to do well in class.
With Love. Harjit
S. Harjit Sidhu
Thank you very much for sharing this information. May god bless these kids and they do wonders in life. Thanks to you all for making it happen.
Mandeep Singh Pannu
Thanks for your Email.
I am so happy to hear from you that you are doing well.
Lots of Wahe Guru Ji Blessings
With the fondest love
Narinder Singh Sawhney
Narinder Singh Sawhney
Longlane Hillingdon, UK
This is a lovely message from Nampreet.
It would be lovely for Nampreet to do well in studies and life to shine with dignity and humility.
Best wishes
From Balvinder Kaur Aunty Ji
Sdn. Balvinder Kaur
Wishining my students all the very best in life and a warm appreciation for the Kalgidhar Trust to perform this noble deed.
Capt. Inderijt Singh
Yummy Punjaby, Singapore
I find this a trustful and approachable platform to do my part of sewa. Allows me to support and give back to my community. Such a great effort by all the team of deed a day.