Please convey my appreciation to Jagmohan Singh and to the teachers for helping him do well
It’s a pleasure to be of some help. My support will continue
With warm regards
Rajinder Sethi
Rajinder Sethi
New Delhi, India
Thank you for your mail.
As far as I am alive please study as far as you can,
Dear Daljeet Kaur, your sponsor is alive.
With the fondest Love
Narinder Singh Sawhney
S. Narinder Singh Sawhney
Thanks for your Email.
I am pleased to know Daljit Kaur progress and I wish she does even better.
With fondest regards
S. Narinder Singh Sawhney
Waheguru ji
Glad to hear from you, convey our heartiest congratulations to Ishika beta and thanks a lot for your kind and noble efforts.
May waheguru ji bless all of us always.
S. Harprit Singh
Well done Jashandeep.
Proud of you so keep up the good work.
Kind Regards
Sukhdev Riyat
S. Sukhdev Singh Riyat
Harrow UK
Thank you for sharing beautiful sketch by Harsimrat. I’m so proud n wish her to work hard so that she can help many children. It’s all Wahe Guru Ji's blessings. Both my son n daughter are so warmed by Harsimrat’s determination to do well. One day we hope to visit her.
Kamaljit & family
Ms. Kamaljit Jhutti
Dear Harsimrat, Thank you for ur time. I absolutely love ur beautiful drawing, you’re so talented, pl. continue to draw to express your feelings. I am so proud of your achievements. We thank Wahe Guru Ji for these blessings, I’m just a messenger. Continue to work hard. Education is key to success.
Ms. Kamaljit Jhutti
Thank you so much for the update of Harjot Kaur. I am grateful and thankful that she is able to study and do what she likes. Good bless
Mr. Navraj Khanijou
Well done Manvir Kaur ji . Keep it up may Waheguru ji give you more strength to get more marks
Sajit Singh
S. Sajit Singh Kondral
We are proud of Daljit's performance.
Wahe Guru ji bless her with high education and may she prove the best.
With fondest love
Sawhney Family