Food for Body & Soul for Healthy Well-Being
Body exercises play a pivotal role both for healthy well-being & spiritual uplift of the brain. Yoga & mediation lay a strong foundation developing focus, abilities & creativity, leading to perpetual growth & success.
Yoga alongside Meditation is an integral part of regular activities undertaken with Rural young students at all Akal Academies. Students not only practice alongside expert guidance but are also explicated about various forms of advance yoga techniques which helps in mind relaxation, which is much needed by the students, especially with ever-growing load of academics.
The teachers also join students during the sessions; the intent behind the practice is to imbibe the process into routine lives of the students & teachers to ensure they develop healthy lifestyles as they grow up with the ever-increasing complexities of life.
Development & healthy nurturing of brain is given special & equal importance as academics in the curriculum followed; it is believed that the techniques are supportive in subtle-development of overall moral & ethical values that only enhance if the mind remains in a peaceful state.
~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 22nd Sep '13