Partner's Speak
Testimonials from our donors, sponsors and supporters are the support of our credibility and level of expertise. They also strengthen our reputation by expressing the trust they have in us and our ETS program.

Dear Sahildeep Singh ji Thank you for the beautiful card and the the very beautiful picture. Waheguru ji bless you with good health and all the success in whatever you do. My best wishes and love to you. Naseeb Kaur
Mrs. Naseeb Kaur Jagdev, UK

Thank you very much Baccho !! My God Bless you. So happy to hear from you. May the seeds that EducatePunjab has sown, become big trees and give shade and comfort to future generations to come. Regards, Chirinjeev
S. Chirinjeev Singh

SSA ji Thanks for this lovely gift. May Waheguru ji bless you always. Jagdeep Singh
S. Jagdeep Singh

Dear Sukhvir, I am glad that you are receiving good education and will grow up to be self reliant and important member of Sikh community. Thank you for your appreciation. Manjit Singh
S. Manjit Singh, India

SSA Jee, I appreciate the feedback. Please convey to Harpreet that the drawing is great – very well done. Keep up the good work Regards Bal
Mr. Bal Garcha, UK

Thank you for the greeting card made by Manpreet.Kaur. Please convey to her that it's beautiful and I hope she continues to draw and paint if this excites her. Best regards Amrit Kaur
Amrit Kaur, New Delhi

ETS Admin, Thanks for your email of confirmation of my sponsorship of Noordeep Kaur’s education. Please pass my best wishes with lots of love to Noordeep who is determined at such a young age to do well in her studies. I wish her all the best in her education with lots of love. Gurinder Kaur
Gurinderpal Kaur Aulakh

Sat Sri Akal Thankyou for the update on Balpreet. I am truly grateful to Guru Sahib ji for giving me the opportunity to do this seva, thus I am very happy that Balpreet is doing soo well Thankyou again and if she needs anything else please let me know Kulvinder Singh
S. Kulvinder Singh, UK

Dear Kamalpreet, Thank you for your msg. I feel fortunate that by Waheguru ji's grace I got an opportunity to contribute to the cause of education which empowers us. I pray may you succeed in whatever field you chose in career & gives fulfilment in your personal life as well. Kulmohan Kaur
Ms. Kulmohan Kaur, India

Dear Kalgidhar Trust I congratulate your organization for the vital task of teaching children for community's progress, unity, strength & prosperity. I would commend more SKILLS training. Thank you very much for the great "sewa" you are doing. Regards, Rajinder Singh (UK)
S. Rajinder Singh

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh Feels good to hear that Ishika is in good spirits and health. May Waheguru ji keep her blessed and happy always. Convey my blessings and best wishes to her for a wonderful life ahead. Thanks.
S. Harprit Singh, Sec. 29, Faridabad

Thank you for sharing beautiful sketch by Harsimrat. I’m so proud n wish her to work hard so that she can help many children. It’s all Wahe Guru Ji's blessings. Both my son n daughter are so warmed by Harsimrat’s determination to do well. One day we hope to visit her. Kamaljit & family